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College News

College Captain Catch-up

Wed, 09/12/2020Posted by:

It is tradition for our past female College Captains to come together with our new incoming College Captain to share advice and guidance as they  

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Innovative Schools 2020 Winner

Fri, 13/11/2020Posted by:

St John’s for the first time has been recognised nationally as a Winner of the Innovative School Award by the Educator Magazine. This award is  

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Australian Volleyball Academy Announcement

Thu, 12/11/2020Posted by:

Congratulations to St John’s Year 12 student Matthew Kemp who has been accepted to join the Australian Volleyball Academy in 2021. Matthew will join the  

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2020 Old Collegians’ Awards

Wed, 11/11/2020Posted by:

On Wednesday 11 November, St John’s celebrated 10 years of the Old Collegians’ Awards at the annual Awards Breakfast. Past and current students, staff and  

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Australian Space Design Competition

Mon, 02/11/2020Posted by:

We’re pleased to announce that St John’s Australian Space Design Competition (ASDC) team has placed in the top ten school submissions in Australia and will  

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Old Collegian Receives the QUT Acting Jennifer Blocksidge Memorial Award

Tue, 20/10/2020Posted by:

Congratulations to QUT Acting student and St John’s Old Collegian Egan Sun-Bin (class of 2017) who has been the latest recipient of the Jennifer Blocksidge  

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Old Collegian Success

Mon, 19/10/2020Posted by:

Griffith University, Aviation student and St John’s Old Collegian Chase Eldridge (class of 2017) has recently being given the honour of being awarded the inaugural  

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Senior Formal 2020

Thu, 01/10/2020Posted by:

Students were all smiles at the St John’s Anglican College formal, grateful for the chance to celebrate the milestone after a year of great uncertainty  

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Titration Competition 2020

Wed, 16/09/2020Posted by:

This year a group of Year 11 and 12 students at St John’s had the pleasure of participating in the 2020 Titration Competition. Teams were  

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PYP Exhibition

Fri, 04/09/2020Posted by:

This week our Year 6 students showcased their learning through a series of presentations at the International Baccalaureate PYP Exhibition.  The Exhibition is a culmination  

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Old Collegian International Success

Fri, 28/08/2020Posted by:

Old Collegian Chloe DeNys (Class of 2016) last year embarked on a once in a lifetime opportunity to study Chemical Engineering at the University of  

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Science Week

Mon, 10/08/2020Posted by:

Every year at St John’s we celebrate Science Week and last week did not disappoint! We had a number of fun lunchtime activities including Trivia,  

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